CIT Coaches Course
Course Description : The 40 hour CIT class or 8 hour dispatch class is a pre-requisite for this 8 hour coaches class.
This class is a specialized training program that is designed to equip attendees with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize, respond to, and manage CIT training scenarios. Our aim is to provide tools and techniques to empower coaches to act as supportive figures in high stress CIT training scenarios. The class will include practice scenarios with actors from CWORX and presenters from Nicoletti-Flater to develop skills in identifying de-escalation techniques and how to coach participants on developing those skills.
*** Please note, you will be required to shadow at least one class prior to coaching solo; and part of the course requirement is coaching solo for at least 2 classes within a year.
To register please send an email to ACSOCIT@ARAPAHOEGOV.COM